Case information


1985 Inflation Adjustment for Cable Copyright Royalty Fees

Short name

1985 CRA

Docket number

CRT 85-2-CC
Status Archived DIGITIZATION



Table of documents results 1985 Inflation Adjustment for Cable Copyright Royalty Fees.
Unique doc.  - Sort results ascending (A to Z)Title  - Sort results ascending (A to Z)Type  - Sort results ascending (A to Z)PartyDate  - Sort results ascending (A to Z)
32732 Download REPLY COMMENTS OF CABLE REPRESENTATIVES AND COPYRIGHT OWNERS Comment - ReplyNational Hockey League, National Association of Broadcasters, National Cable Television Association, Inc., SESAC, Inc., Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), Motion Picture Association of America, National Basketball Association, ASCAP, Community Antenna Television Association, Major League Baseball, North American Soccer League, National Collegiate Athletic Association04/26/1985 12:00 PM EST
32730 Download NOTICE OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE Notice of Intent - OtherNational Public Radio04/17/1985 12:00 PM EST
32731 Download NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE AND COMMENTS OF CABLE REPRESENTATIVES AND COPYRIGHT OWNERS Notice of Intent - OtherNational Hockey League, National Association of Broadcasters, National Cable Television Association, Inc., Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), SESAC, Inc., Motion Picture Association of America, National Basketball Association, Community Antenna Television Association, ASCAP, Major League Baseball, National Collegiate Athletic Association, North American Soccer League04/17/1985 12:00 PM EST
32729 Download Re: 1985 Cable Inflation Rate Adjustment CorrespondenceNational Hockey League, National Association of Broadcasters, National Cable Television Association, Inc., SESAC, Inc., Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), Motion Picture Association of America, National Basketball Association, Community Antenna Television Association, ASCAP, Major League Baseball, National Collegiate Athletic Association, North American Soccer League03/08/1985 12:00 PM EST
32890 Download AGREEMENT OF SETTLEMENT CONCERNING 1985 CABLE ROYALTY INFLATION ADJUSTMENT AgreementNational Hockey League, National Association of Broadcasters, National Cable Television Association, Inc., Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), SESAC, Inc., Motion Picture Association of America, National Basketball Association, ASCAP, Community Antenna Television Association, Major League Baseball, National Collegiate Athletic Association, North American Soccer League03/08/1985 12:00 PM EST
32889 Download Re: 1985 Cable Inflation Rate Adjustment CorrespondenceNational Hockey League, National Public Radio, National Association of Broadcasters, Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), SESAC, Inc., Motion Picture Association of America, National Basketball Association, ASCAP, Major League Baseball, National Collegiate Athletic Association, North American Soccer League01/08/1985 12:00 PM EST