Claim number
Date received
Filer status
Interested Copyright Party
Cynthia Turner
Turner Enterprises Entertainment
PO Box 503392
San Diego, CA 92150
Phone: 858-432-8612
Cynthia Turner Green
Rebecca Robeson
Scott Arthur McCartney
Jermaine Dupri
Shawntae Green
Ginger S. McCartney (Ginger Management)
Willie (Bill ) Mcgee (Bill Mcgee Blues Band)
Tony Jermarne Green
Interested copyright party category
The claimant is the legal or beneficial owner of, or the person that controls, the right to reproduce in a digital musical recording or analog musical recording a musical work that has been embodied in a digital musical recording or analog musical recording lawfully made under the Copyright Act and that was distributed during calendar year 2021.
Title of one musical work or sound recording
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The filer has made a declaration under penalty of law prior to submitting this claim.