Case information


Determination and Allocation of Initial Administrative Assessment to Fund Mechanical Licensing Collective

Short name

Initial AA

Docket number

19-CRB-0009 AA

Petition to participate

Songwriters Guild of America, Inc.
Petitioner type
Other eligible participant
Factual information to establish a significant interest in the proceeding
Copyright Owner (Exclusive Copyright Administrator) PETITION TO PARTICIPATE Before the Copyright Royalty Board Regarding Procedures for Determination and Allocation of Assessment To Fund Mechanical Licensing Collective and Other Amendments Required by the Hatch-Goodlatte Music Modernization Act Docket No. 19–CRB–0009 AA Filed On Behalf of Petitioner: The Songwriters Guild of America, Inc. 210 Jamestown Park Road Suite 100 Brentwood, Tennessee 37027-750 615 742 9945 Filed By: Charles J. Sanders, Attorney at Law, PC* 29 Kings Grant Way Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 914 588 7231 *Licensed to Practice: California District of Columbia New York This Petition to Participate is respectfully submitted on behalf of the Songwriters Guild of America, Inc. (“SGA”), the longest established and largest music creator advocacy and copyright administration organization in the United States run solely by and for songwriters, composers, and their heirs. Established in 1931, SGA has for 88 years successfully operated with the twoword mission statement “Protect Songwriters,” and continues to do so throughout the United States and the world. SGA’s organizational membership consists of approximately 4000 individual music creator and heir members. Through its Catalog Administration Program, the organization serves as the exclusive copyright administrator of thousands of musical compositions, the copyrights of which are owned and controlled by those dozens of members who have designated SGA as their exclusive representative and agent for such purposes in the United States. SGA is not itself a copyright owner, but rather an exclusive agent for its copyright owner members. Moreover, through SGA’s formal affiliations with both Music Creators North America, Inc. (MCNA) (of which it is a founding member) and the International Council of Music Creators (CIAM) (of which MCNA is a key Continental Alliance Member), SGA is also part of a global coalition of music creators and heirs numbering in the millions. Of particular relevance to this Petition to Participate, SGA is also a founding member of the international organization Fair Trade Music, which is the leading US and international advocacy group for the principles of transparency, equitable treatment, and financial sustainability for all songwriters and composers. SGA has been deeply involved in the legislative process concerning the Hatch-Goodlatte Music Modernization Act from its beginnings, and has filed extensive comments in regard to its enactment and implementation. A copy of SGA’s most recent such submission to the United States Copyright Office is appended to this Petition as Attachment A in further evidence of SGA’s status as an interested party. Further, SGA has also appeared as a party in mechanical rate-setting hearings and actions before the CRB in the past. 2 The Songwriters Guild of America, Inc. Petition to Participate Thank you for your kind consideration. Submitted by: Charles J. Sanders Charles J. Sanders, Attorney for Petitioner The Songwriters Guild of America, Inc. 3 The Songwriters Guild of America, Inc. Petition to Participate
Charles J Sanders
Songwriters Guild of America, Inc.
Submitted date