Case information


Determination of Royalty Rates and Terms for Digital Performance of Sound Recordings and Making of Ephemeral Copies to Facilitate those Performances (Web VI)

Short name

Web VI

Docket number

23-CRB-0012-WR (2026-2030)

Petition to participate

AccuRadio LLC
Statement of significant interest
AccuRadio LLC is currently operating a webcasting service, and relies on the statutory licenses of Section 112 and 114 of the Copyright Act. Its operations are directly affected by the statutory royalty rates to be determined by the Copyright Royalty Board in this proceeding, and thus it has a significant interest in the subject matter of this proceeding.
Keenan P Adamchak
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP

David Oxenford
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
Submitted date