Case information


Determination of Royalty Rates and Terms for Digital Performance of Sound Recordings and Making of Ephemeral Copies to Facilitate those Performances (Web VI)

Short name

Web VI

Docket number

23-CRB-0012-WR (2026-2030)

Petition to participate

National Religious Broadcasters Music License Committee
Statement of significant interest
The National Religious Broadcasters Music License Committee ("NRBMLC"), including its noncommercial arm, the National Religious Broadcasters Noncommercial Music License Committee ("NRBNMLC"), has a significant interest in this proceeding because it represents, in sound recording licensing matters, the interests of (a) commercial and noncommercial radio stations that make public performances of sound recordings by digital transmission and ephemeral recordings in furtherance thereof and (b) commercial and noncommercial radio stations that are considering making such performances and recordings during the upcoming license term. The broadcasters represented by the NRBMLC have a substantial financial interest in this proceeding and will be subject to the rates and terms established in this proceeding.
Karyn K Ablin
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth
Submitted date