Case information


Distribution of Cable Royalty Funds

Short name

2018-21 CD

Docket number

19-CRB-0010-CD (2018-2021)

Joint petition to participate

Canadian Claimants Group
Petition covers
Allocation phase
Statement of significant interest
The Canadian Claimants Group (CCG) has existed as an Allocation Phase (formerly “Phase I”) claimant group for most of the cable royalty distribution proceedings. It collects and distributes royalties to its members for non-American programming broadcast on Canadian television stations that were secondarily transmitted by cable systems in the United States pursuant to the cable compulsory license at 17 U.S.C. § 111. The CCG represents most of the programming on distantly retransmitted Canadian television stations during 2018 through 2021 and thus has a significant interest in the royalty funds at issue. The CCG includes members who filed joint claims to the 2018 through 2021 cable royalties and members who filed individual royalty claims but have entered into agreements to be members of the CCG. The joint claims and the membership agreements designate the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada as the authorized representative of the CCG and the undersigned has been designated as counsel for the CCG. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada also has claims in the Program Supplier, Public Television, and Public Radio categories. Other members of the CCG may have eligible claims in other Allocation Phase categories because their programming was broadcast on distant U.S. commercial or U.S. public television stations but the CCG does not represent its members' claims in other Allocation Phase categories.
Lawrence K Satterfield
Satterfield PLLC

Michelle Moy
Larson & Gaston

Victor J Cosentino
Larson & Gaston, LLP
Victor J Cosentino
Larson & Gaston, LLP
Filer's Certification
The counsel or representative that filed this joint petition certifies that, as of the date of submission of the joint petition, such counsel or representative has the authority and consent of the participants to represent them in the royalty rate proceeding.
Submitted date