Case information


Distribution of Satellite Royalty Funds

Short name

2018 SD

Docket number

19-CRB-0011-SD (2018)

Petition to participate

Global Music Rights, LLC
Petition covers
Distribution phase
Statement of significant interest
Global Music Rights, LLC ("GMR") represents many of today’s most popular music creators in the public performance licensing of their musical compositions. Founded in 2013 as the first Performing Rights Organization (“PRO”) in the United States in nearly 75 years, GMR quickly became a “fourth contender in the performance rights arena, with an impressive client list roster.” See U.S. Copyright Office, Copyright and the Music Marketplace, at 150 (2015), available at GMR, and its affiliated songwriters, composers, and music publishers, have submitted joint claims for works that were publicly performed under the Section 119 satellite statutory license for 2018 (Claim No. 162), 2019 (Claim No. 70), 2020 (Claim No. 133) and 2021 (Claim No. 97). They therefore have a critical interest in the proceedings.
Scott A Zebrak
Oppenheim + Zebrak, LLP
Submitted date