Case information


Distribution of Satellite Royalty Funds

Short name

2018 SD

Docket number

19-CRB-0011-SD (2018)

Petition to participate

Powell, David
Petition covers
Both phases
Statement of significant interest
the petitioner's has significant interest in program categories commercial tv claimants and program supplier to CGN INC and own the copyrights in that programming and has submitted a claim within the meaning 17 USC ss 803(b)(1)(B), 803 (b)(2)(C), 37 CFR ss. 351.1 (b)(2)(i,) (ii)(C)' 17 USC ss.801(b)(3)(B);(3) compulsory & statutory license and actively participated since 1999 significant in both subject matter phases of the allocation distribution phases I,II, of this proceedings a valid claim does exist w/ sufficient evidence to substantiate the basis to allocate royalities to caimant
David Powell
Submitted date