Case information


Determination of Distribution of 2006 Cable Royalty Funds (at Phase I)

Short name

2006 CD (Phase I)

Docket number

2008-4 CRB CD 2006

Party list

Table of parties for Determination of Distribution of 2006 Cable Royalty Funds (at Phase I)
Party - Sort results by ascending (A to Z) or descending (Z to A)  - Sort results descending (Z to A) Representative - Sort results by ascending (A to Z) or descending (Z to A)  - Sort results ascending (A to Z) Firm - Sort results by ascending (A to Z) or descending (Z to A)  - Sort results ascending (A to Z)
Devotional Claimants Allison L. Rapp
Arnold P. Lutzker
Clifford M. Harrington
Edward Hammerman
Jeannette M. Carmadella
Jonathan T. McCants
W. Thad Adams III
Wendell R. Bird, P.C.
Independent Producers Group Brian Boydston, Esq
Joint Sports Claimants Brent LaBarge
Eugene Benick
Philip Hochberg
Robert Garrett
Stephen Marsh
Music Claimants Jeffrey Lopez
Joan McGivern
John Beiter
Joseph J. Dimona
Michael Remington
Sam Mosenkis
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Alexian G. Jackson
John I Stewart, Jr.
R. Elizabeth Abraham
National Public Radio Gregory A. Lewis
Joyce Slocum
Program Suppliers Gregory O. Olaniran
Lucy Holmes-Plovnick
Public Television Claimants Gena Ashe
Lindsey L. Tonsager
Marc Mangum
Ronald G. Dove, Jr.